
How long to keep tax records in Canada

How many years should i need to keep my tax records in Canada?



How many homeless in Canada

Do you know how many homeless people are there in Canada?



What store is open on Canada Day

Me and my friend are planning to go for a shopping but because of Canada day many shops will remain close tommorow, so can you tell me W...


When is Labour day in Canada

I just want to confirm when is Labour day in Canada.



What the time zone in Ontario, Canada

I am new in Ontario. Can you guide me What the Time Zone in Ontario Canada.



How to extend work permit in Canada?

What is the process for extending a work permit in Canada?



What time in Canada just now

Can you tell me what time is in Canada at this moment



What is the time now in Canada

Can you tell me what time is in Canada right now



How to pay taxes in Canada

My income tax is pending to pay. Can you please tell me how to pay Taxes in Canada?



How to send a letter in canada

How can i send a letter in Canada to my loved ones?
